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Brookvale Mercantile

About Us
We are currently the fifth generation to be working this family farm with the belief that the animals and land should be connected the way nature intended. Having a connection to the food you eat and knowing how it was raised helps us make healthier food choices.

On our farm the critters are always on the move. As soon as the grazing season starts, our small herd of Pinzgauer cattle will lead the way from their winter pasture where they have had free choice of hay, minerals, shelter and water.
With daily moves from one pasture to the next, the chickens are soon to follow behind the cows, the laying hens in their egg mobiles and the meat birds in their chicken tractors. The chickens supply much more than eggs and meat, They are extremely helpful with fertilizing and parasite control. This method also adds greens and bugs to their regular diet of NON-GMO grain.
As soon as our piglets have had a memorable experience with the fence they are ready to start on their journey around our farm reclaiming overgrown areas.

We have a small herd of milking cows so we can provide raw milk to our health conscious customers that are well aware of its numerous benefits. Our dairy cows are rotationally grazed and supplemented with small amounts of NON-GMO grain during milking.

Check out our other business on the farm, The Tack Shack! This is where we do blanket cleaning, repair and more!
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